
EssentialThe Essential Conversation

"When The Whole Daisy Chain Unwinds"

Featuring James Aitken and Raoul Pal

Apr 10, 2020 • 87 minutes


The Essential Conversation

"When The Whole Daisy Chain Unwinds"

James Aitken joins Raoul Pal to discuss the relationship between bond and FX markets and how that is playing out at this juncture of the credit cycle.



Featuring James Aitken and Raoul Pal

Apr 10, 2020 • 87 minutes

James Aitken, partner at Aitken Advisors, joins Real Vision CEO Raoul Pal to discuss the intricate relationship between bond and FX markets and how this often overlooked connection is playing out at this critical juncture of the credit cycle. Aitken and Pal put the recently announced central bank policies – remarkably generous swap lines, sweeping repo facilities, and the revival of quantitative easing (QE) – in proper context and analyzes how central banks' commitment to be the "buyers of first resort" will affect cross-currency basis swaps, yields on corporates, and the U.S. dollar. Aitken also describes his investing framework to deploying capital in this unprecedented economic crisis.

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The Essential Conversation is the world's premier financial-market-focused conversation series. The smartest people in markets, finance, economics, and business engage in deep-diving discussions about the global macro landscape, generating actionable takeaways that can help your decision-making process. Tune in to peer-to-peer conversations between the brightest minds in the investing world, and tune up your portfolio.

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