
EssentialThe Essential Conversation

Great Trades During Tough Times: Lessons From a Master

Featuring Mark Ritchie and Mark Ritchie II

Sep 05, 2022 • 63 minutes


The Essential Conversation

Great Trades During Tough Times: Lessons From a Master

"The truth is never altered by the opinion of the crowd. The price is ALWAYS altered by the opinion of the crowd."



Featuring Mark Ritchie and Mark Ritchie II

Sep 05, 2022 • 63 minutes

In part two of “The Ritchie and Ritchie Show,” Mark Ritchie II of RTM 3 talks to his market wizard father, Mark Andrew Ritchie, the founder of Chicago Research and Trading Group, about how he cut his teeth and built a successful futures and options trading firm during the highly volatile 1970s. The Ritchies share critical wisdom about perspective, humility, and position-sizing. And they answer the question, can things get worse? It’s another entertaining conversation between father-and-son market wizards.

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The Essential Conversation is the world's premier financial-market-focused conversation series. The smartest people in markets, finance, economics, and business engage in deep-diving discussions about the global macro landscape, generating actionable takeaways that can help your decision-making process. Tune in to peer-to-peer conversations between the brightest minds in the investing world, and tune up your portfolio.

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The Essential Conversation is the world's premier financial-market-focused conversation series. The smartest people in markets, finance, economics, and business engage in deep-diving discussions about the global macro landscape, generating actionable takeaways that can help your decision-making process. Tune in to peer-to-peer conversations between the brightest minds in the investing world, and tune up your portfolio.

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