
EssentialThe Essential Conversation

Corona Crisis: The View from The Valley

Featuring Balaji Srinivasan

Apr 30, 2020 • 68 minutes


The Essential Conversation

Corona Crisis: The View from The Valley

Balaji Srinivasan unpacks his view of combating the coronavirus, informed by his background in medical testing & his Ph.D. work in microbial genetics.



Featuring Balaji Srinivasan

Apr 30, 2020 • 68 minutes

Balaji Srinivasan is a highly accomplished investor, entrepreneur, executive, and academic. In this conversation with Real Vision’s Ash Bennington, Srinivasan unpacks his tech-centric view of combating the coronavirus — informed by his background in the medical testing space and his Ph.D. work in microbial genetics at Stanford. Srinivasan also served as the Chief Technical Officer at the digital currency behemoth CoinBase and as a general partner at the storied Silicon Valley venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz. Srinivasan also shares his perspective on what changes the US government needs to institute in order to compete with China to control the coronavirus outbreak. Filmed on April 28, 2020.

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The Essential Conversation is the world's premier financial-market-focused conversation series. The smartest people in markets, finance, economics, and business engage in deep-diving discussions about the global macro landscape, generating actionable takeaways that can help your decision-making process. Tune in to peer-to-peer conversations between the brightest minds in the investing world, and tune up your portfolio.

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