
EssentialMike Green in Conversation

The SPAC Boom Apex, Market Memes, and the Biggest Opportunities in Tech

Featuring Josh Wolfe and Michael Green

Feb 01, 2021 • 71 minutes


Mike Green in Conversation

The SPAC Boom Apex, Market Memes, and the Biggest Opportunities in Tech

Josh Wolfe breaks down exactly why the SPAC structure is so favorable & argues that the knock-on effect of an M&A boom will signal that the top is in.



Featuring Josh Wolfe and Michael Green

Feb 01, 2021 • 71 minutes

Because of their favorable structure, SPACs have become the vehicle of choice for founders and venture capitalists to bring private startups to the public market—even with the explosion of SPACs in 2020, we are already on record setting pace in 2021. In this interview with Mike Green of Logica Capital, Josh Wolfe of Lux Capital breaks down exactly why the SPAC structure is so favorable and argues that the knock-on effect of an M&A boom will produce the modern equivalent of the AOL-Time Warner acquisition, signaling that the top is in. Wolfe and Green also discuss Wall Street Bets and the current meme driven market, Josh's prediction of an "Occupy the Fed" movement, and the biggest opportunities in tech that he and Lux Capital are invested in. Filmed on January 28, 2021. Key Learnings: SPACs have a favorable structure that makes raising cash so easy that it will encourage rampant M&A, which will eventually result in the mega-deal, signaling the top of the market. Crypto and Wall Street Bets are emblematic of outrage that Josh Wolfe believes will result in an "Occupy the Fed" movement and retroactive regulation. At the moment, Josh Wolfe and Lux Capital are focused on the technology behind scientific advancement and the emerging space economy as their big bets.

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A Real Vision original, Mike Green engages in exciting conversations about the big macro topics that matter. Exploring personal passions -- including the US-China relationship that defines modern geopolitics as well as market structure and the question of how short-volume strategies and passive indexation have warped the way markets function -- Mike creates immeasurable value for investors. Never stuck on any one or two themes, he also explores breaking issues sure to shape our understanding of ever-changing financial markets.

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A Real Vision original, Mike Green engages in exciting conversations about the big macro topics that matter. Exploring personal passions -- including the US-China relationship that defines modern geopolitics as well as market structure and the question of how short-volume strategies and passive indexation have warped the way markets function -- Mike creates immeasurable value for investors. Never stuck on any one or two themes, he also explores breaking issues sure to shape our understanding of ever-changing financial markets.

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