
EssentialLooking For The Upside

Why Investors Need to Keep Paying Attention to Supply Chains

Featuring Jacob Shapiro and Andreas Steno Larsen

Feb 22, 2023 • 46 minutes


Looking For The Upside

Why Investors Need to Keep Paying Attention to Supply Chains

This last leg of globalization is the time to jump into opportunities, according to Jacob Shapiro.



Featuring Jacob Shapiro and Andreas Steno Larsen

Feb 22, 2023 • 46 minutes

Supply chain issues were top of mind for investors in 2022, so what can we expect this year as China opens up? Jacob Shapiro says pressures won’t ease, but there’s still reason to see an upside right now. The Director of Geopolitical Analysis at Cognitive Investments joins Andreas Steno Larsen to break down what we can expect in 2023 and explains why he labels himself a ‘born optimist.’ Stick around at the end when Andreas will offer a strategy session for investors interested in playing the supply chain space. Recorded on February 14, 2023.

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There's nothing better than scaring the sh*t out of people to drive up ratings and subscriptions, which is why you see doom-mongering everywhere in the media. And that is exactly why we are Looking for the Upside. This weekly show brings you the best minds and traders who always look for opportunities in the tumult and turn them into bright spots.

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There's nothing better than scaring the sh*t out of people to drive up ratings and subscriptions, which is why you see doom-mongering everywhere in the media. And that is exactly why we are Looking for the Upside. This weekly show brings you the best minds and traders who always look for opportunities in the tumult and turn them into bright spots.

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