The World’s Best Trade – Bitcoin

Published on: November 13th, 2020

Raoul zeroes in on what he thinks is going to be the best performing trade in the world over the next eighteen months.


  • SJ
    Salil J.
    23 March 2021 @ 19:06
    Reading this again almost 7 months into this cycle, it feels like I am reading a prophecy! Microstrategy's 250M buy now is the laughable amount where billions of Bitcoin is getting bought. Today it's at $1T Mcap and Raoul's prediction of $10T now seems pretty doable this cycle. If we cross Gold's Mcap, that will be the end of Bitcoin's SoV narrative and the beginning of a new narrative where we begin our journey towards the $100T.
    • sd
      steve d.
      11 August 2021 @ 16:41
      If BTC gets even close to Gold's Mcap, gold will see an exodus. A new dawn
  • SZ
    Shana Z.
    7 November 2021 @ 01:47
    I thought you were saying ETH is better, now BTC? When did this change occur?