The Most Important Investment

Published on: September 21st, 2021

Raoul takes some time out from the markets to focus on the most important investment – your Exponential Age…


  • PD
    Patrick D.
    21 September 2021 @ 16:43
    I've been on the same journey for a few years. is a good source for the evidence-based data. Ultimately if you find something in the general neighborhood of healthy that works good for you, you should keep at it. The picture you painted of the large family dinner outside in Spain really touched me. I think I have missed that. Perhaps during Covid we have all missed that. The connection of a healthy family is so therapeutic. And what else is there without family? I haven't had success marrying fasting with big family meals but I am undeterred. Thank you for sharing Raoul.
  • MJ
    Mike J.
    21 September 2021 @ 16:46
    Great article. Now that we are making money and gaining freedom with crypto, let's be healthy and enjoy our lives! I am actually going down this path now and look forward to any updates you have. I am in the middle of the the book Lifespan and it seems to make a lot of sense.
  • ly
    lena y.
    21 September 2021 @ 16:51
    Yes! After wealth accumulation it is time to think of our own bodies. I picked up yoga in 2008 and never look back. A month ago I do 16 hours fasting too. I am taking similar lists of supplements as you do. I strongly support the idea of abandoning sugar and process food which are silent killers. Covid leads me to realize the importance of vit D. Living in Canada does not help but not an excuse. Really welcome your post sharing your experience! I am going to look into keto. Looking at how you and Mike Green changed convinces me is a good path to lose weight.
  • VC
    Varun C.
    21 September 2021 @ 17:00
    Be aware with keto diet. It increases your SHBG massively which binds up testosterone and therefore lowers free testosterone. This can cause many dysfunctions of masculinity especially in ageing males as testosterone levels naturally decrease
    • DW
      Dean W.
      21 September 2021 @ 22:58
      It might reduce free testosterone in some but this recent study found that "New research reveals that a low-calorie ketogenic diet can help increase testosterone levels in overweight men". A very low-calorie ketogenic diet can help testosterone and sex hormone (SHBG) levels in overweight men, according to a study being presented at the 23rd European Congress of Endocrinology (e-ECE 2021), on Monday 24 May 2021 at 14:06 CET ( The study found that after following a recommended low-calorie ketogenic diet for four weeks, body weight, fat mass and body mass index (BMI) significantly decreased and a substantial increase of total testosterone and SHBG levels were also found. Every person is unique and it's important to find what works optimally for oneself.
    • PD
      Patrick D.
      21 September 2021 @ 18:08
      Keto is also correlated with Kidney Stones. 2nd surgery coming in two weeks (13mm stone). I believe it can be managed away though. And be sure to add fiber to your diet.
  • rs
    robert s.
    21 September 2021 @ 17:03
    I'm paying for this service for market outlook and awareness of any impending macro dangers, not a thesis on a nutrition. Risk markets seem to be the brink of a long overdue correction, while conversely crypto is weirdly being looked at as making a run for all time highs. Which is contrary to the global macro outlook, and rather perplexing. Soi log on thinking that Raoul published a much needed letter providing clarity on the this subject matter, but receive 10 page letter on nutritional guidelines. WTF? This is rather bizarre and disappointing. I need much more clarity on the macro environment than i do on what vitamins to take. Thanks but no thanks.
    • DH
      David H.
      21 September 2021 @ 17:09
      All that has no value if you are not around to enjoy it. I appreciate the reminder and the points discussed.
  • DH
    David H.
    21 September 2021 @ 17:07
    A tremendous additional resource is Rhonda Patrick at I discovered her through Tim Ferris. She has done original research into Vitamin D, I think at Johns Hopkins. Deeply science based. Great guest interviews. The transcript of her Tim Ferris interview is a goldmine of information on the minimum changes for the maximum impact on health and longevity, and touches on many of the points covered here, as well as others.
    • ph
      phil h.
      21 September 2021 @ 22:09
      Yes, i listento her podcasts and joined her web site. She is the raoul pal of health
    • ph
      phil h.
      21 September 2021 @ 22:09
      Yes, i listento her podcasts and joined her web site. She is the raoul pal of health
    • BK
      Brian K.
      21 September 2021 @ 19:58
      I would also recommend Nina Teicholz (book is Big Fat Surprise), who seems to run in similar podcast circles, so to speak. I am not keto, but her research on fat seems to complement keto.
  • RM
    Russell M.
    21 September 2021 @ 17:24
    Refreshing and valuable for you to share what has worked for you to keep the boat afloat. One thing you might care to add to your routine is a measurement journal to write down your virtues, daily habits, 4S (service, social, skill, self), weekly gratitude-focus-challenge, short-term goals, long-term goals, and 3 things to get done today is the template I use. Doing this recognizes that sometimes we get off track but this enables you to catch a bad trend and course correct much more quickly.
  • ZD
    ZENO D.
    21 September 2021 @ 17:30
    thank you for sharing your journey. I do beleive it's important also to know the lifestyle of someone that everyday is providing indirectly or directly suggestions to navigate these markets. Hope one day we will be able to meet in person because we share the same attitude about how approching the fantastic gift we received .....which is life. Best Zeno
  • YB
    Yvan B.
    21 September 2021 @ 18:00
    You nailed it Raoul, taking care of the soul and body is paramount and de facto helps you to make wiser investment decisions. Thank you.
  • BG
    Brian G.
    21 September 2021 @ 18:11
    I love it. Living a simular life in S FL. I walk the beach every morning after dropping my daughter at school. Also have a wine habit. It will be the last to go. Dr Peter Attia has some great resources for longevity too. He has been on Tim's pod cast. He gets deep but his info and centurion Olympic ideas are great! Cheers!
  • B
    Benjamin .
    21 September 2021 @ 18:36
    Great summary Raoul and good on you for using this platform to spread the message. As a burnt out former HF'er and IB'er, I discovered Tim's work whilst recovering from the aftermath of the GFC and it changed my life. Honourable mentions also to Peter Attia and Mark Sisson. A bit like the way that all macro roads eventually lead to crypto, the rabbit hole of wellness and longevity seems universally to lead to keto, intermittent fasting, strength training and sun (and/or D supplementation). Superpowers await all who travel down this path!
  • KB
    Keith B.
    21 September 2021 @ 18:57
    Wonderful generous insights.
  • CH
    Christopher H.
    21 September 2021 @ 19:32
    I would strongly suggest that you listen to Paul Saladino or read his book. This man challenges the mainstream opinion like no one else and the information and his deep research is priceless. He was also on rogan a couple of months ago.
  • ML
    Michael L.
    21 September 2021 @ 19:38
    Thank you so much for sharing this, I actually went on this exact journey from reaching the Lifespan book mentioned 1-2 insiders ago. Was life changing. Brown rice + beans go a long way for protein if you're reducing meat consumption. Do you have any recommends readings/tips on the Resveratrol and NMN? Lots of conflicting data on getting an authentic/pure or whatever product and I'm stuck on how to decide what to buy.
    • ML
      Michael L.
      21 September 2021 @ 23:28
      Thanks everyone! Will be looking forward to see you at your 100th birthday party ;)
    • DW
      Dean W.
      21 September 2021 @ 23:02
      I've been using NMN bulk powder from ProHealth Longevity. But I mainly try to focus on lifestyle optimization (diet, exercise, stress reduction, optimal sleep) rather than too many supplements.
    • RP
      Raoul P. | Founder
      21 September 2021 @ 20:07
      I am trying two version - one is Rev Genetics and the other is Iconiq
  • BK
    Brian K.
    21 September 2021 @ 19:57
    Recently started to experiment with the supplements, including some named in the article. Raoul or anyone else, what is a good reliable source for quality ingredients for these supplements? Other than promotions, I can't find much about the different product lines that sell these. Thanks.
  • ph
    phil h.
    21 September 2021 @ 22:07
    I recommend Dr. Rhonda Patrick. She is the Raoul Pal of scientific healthy living. She brings it all together from all the names in your article. If you want the best science for long life and healthy living she is excellent
  • KH
    Kevin H.
    21 September 2021 @ 22:16
    Thanks Raoul. I appreciate the personal perspective. I find diet habits the hardest to change. But movement is easy when you have a young family later in life!
  • DW
    Dean W.
    21 September 2021 @ 22:49
    Great post and glad to see like-minded RV members embracing currently emerging knowledge about increasing health span and (hopefully) life span. In addition to the great recommendations below, I'll provide one for which I have the highest regard - the Huberman Lab podcast. Dr. Andrew Huberman, neuroscientist and ophthalmologist at Stanford Medical School, presents what I can perhaps best describe as an expert User's Manual for the human brain and nervous system. His 1- to 3-hour podcasts on various topics cover emerging knowledge and insights into how the brain works, especially with regard to key neuromodulators (dopamine, serotonin, epinephrine, cortisol, acetylcholine) and hormones. He also provides specific recommendations on how to optimize the nervous system to get optimal sleep, increase neuroplasticity for quicker learning, increased mental focus, minimize jet lag, and other goals. If you simply want to learn how to sleep much better (and why you should want to), listen to podcasts 2 through 5. Best wishes for all on their health journeys.
  • CS
    Carlo S.
    22 September 2021 @ 00:05
    Thank you for taking the time to share these valuable insights. I have a long list of friends and family with whom I'd like to share this. Are you able to exclude this from the monthly limit?
    • M.
      Milton .. | Founder
      22 September 2021 @ 07:53
      Yes, I'll send it your way today
    • RP
      Raoul P. | Founder
      22 September 2021 @ 00:52
      email and say i sent you...
  • RP
    22 September 2021 @ 00:50
    Thanks for sharing your insight and perspective. A nice reminder to take a step back and look at the big picture.
  • MK
    Max K.
    22 September 2021 @ 01:28
    Thanks for sharing, health has also become one of my interests. Here are my favourite recommendations. Examine, it's known as the encyclopedia of health, nutrition and supplementation. Podcastnotes, they take notes on all of our favourite podcasts including Huberman Lab. My supplement regime is similar but I also include probiotics, zinc and instead of glutathione I have NAC. I'm 29 and don't take David Sinclair longevity supplements, YET. Turmeric should always be paired with meriva or black pepper for the curcumin to absorb better. I'm going to mention Dr. Rhonda Patrick here again because it's important. Cruciferous vegetables are good but she tells us to grow broccoli sprouts in jars and make smoothies. High level of Sulforaphane is good for us ex smokers. Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is still an underrated indicator. I use a emWave2 an in the moment HRV device and I keep a Whoop strap on my wrist which I use for monitoring sleep quality. Wishing everyone good health.
    • DW
      Dean W.
      22 September 2021 @ 15:11
      Thanks for the tip on Podcastnotes. I've been looking for a source for the Huberman Lab podcasts notes.
  • RS
    RV S.
    22 September 2021 @ 03:02
    Great inputs from everyone. I realized besides diet and exercise, the brain needs to be able to walk away from making too many everyday decisions like what to eat or wear. Hence I spend time de-cluttering my brain just like what Kon Marie taught how to de-clutter the room. As I fast for 16 hours, my eating hours are from 1200 - 2000 hrs or earlier. just to not having to make any decision on brunch which can sometimes tiring, I fixed my brunch. I called it "pig stew" which comprises of a puddle of grains, nuts, berries, left over fibers from juicing etc everyday. And since most ingredients for my pig stew can last for weeks, I only do brunch groceries once a month and it usually cost me around $400/month. On days, I couldn't make my pig stew which is usually rare, I truly enjoy the alternatives. For clothes, I kept only 7 sets of almost similar looking ones, mostly the same cheap but comfortable wear usually those that I can used it casually for most occasion like exercising, shopping, sleeping etc as I lived in tropical Asia. I don't use soap for shower and hence one less thing to worry about. But I do used shampoo as I realized my hair can get rather dirty with just water :). I brushed my teeth only once every night as I realized with a vegetable diet, my teeth doesn't need so much maintenance when I had with meat. I also followed the Japanese or Korean way of sleeping. I slept on a 3cm foldable Tatami mat and once done, I can simply fold and stow away to create more space for the room. Basically, the whole idea is knowing what is the base minimum I need to still live comfortably. This setup allows me to take the stress of how much I actually need to sustain financially for the rest of my lifetime. Hence with that worry reduced, I have more money to invest and at the same time, my life has been less stressful, more healthier and also feeling good that I contribute to Gaia in reducing tons of wastage on food and materials.
  • OF
    Ofer F.
    22 September 2021 @ 03:19
    Thank you Raoul for sharing your personal life and your desire to help your followers improve not only their financial situation but also their health. I'm on more or less the same journey of seeking balance in life and health in recent years. I have to add two more insights. 1. My doctor who works at a hospital told me that most of the serious diseases in men are in obese men between the ages of 55 and 65. .So you should reach the age of 55 with less fats. 2. Another insight, from the age of 50 perform a colonoscopy every 5 years. Colon cancer is very common and can be easily detected on colonoscopy and treated before it erupts outside the gut and moves to other places in the body. I would be happy if in the future you would continue to detail new discoveries in your personal research for a balanced and healthy life.
  • MS
    Mark S.
    22 September 2021 @ 04:50
    Thank you Raoul for offering this insight. I take Vit D but I am aware and your viewers should be that data for Vit D and Cancer is to some degree inconclusive. See link. I still take it because it's dirt cheap and there's no downside even if Vit D does nothing for cancer. From,formation%20%28%20angiogenesis%29%20%28%203%20-%206%20%29. Cheers
  • af
    andrew f.
    22 September 2021 @ 07:41
    Great article Raoul. This is the future of medicine - personalised and preventative. Check epigenetic biological age and watch the years drop away as you embrace your new lifestyle. Those here complaining about the article would do well to listen to the excellent Aubrey De Grey interview on RV (Can't believe that Raoul didn't shill this??). He says that the longevity business will be the largest industry in history, bar none and it's here to stay! Get interested in this area for longevity and wealth.
  • DF
    David F.
    22 September 2021 @ 07:45
    Raoul, thanks for sharing that other part of your's and one's own journey. I've been with you since the beginning, as I discovered there is no better way to learn. However, I break one rule - I'm 74 and still following a very similar macro style albeit at a much reduced level. This has been enlightening.
  • DD
    Darrell D.
    22 September 2021 @ 22:17
    Very interesting...Thank you for sharing. I have adopted some of these in my own life and will research the others. As you say, time is the most valuable thing any of us have. Cheers! P.S. - Lots of great comments below
  • rm
    ralph m.
    23 September 2021 @ 08:13
    Thanks for sharing your private thoughts. I have been on this road for the last 5 years and feeling physically and metally in good shape. When you take aspirin you should definitely do some research on the impact is has on the mitochondia. Also, when you take glutathione make sure you take the S-Acetyl Glutathione for better resorption. All the best to have you another 50 years around.
  • FK
    Firoze K.
    23 September 2021 @ 19:45
    Hi Raoul, great read. Check out (if you haven't already) Breath by James Nestor. Has been a game changer for me.
    • RP
      Raoul P. | Founder
      25 September 2021 @ 00:12
      Yup, read it! Thanks
  • ML
    Michael L.
    24 September 2021 @ 00:43
    If anyone exclusively works on the computer and standing isn't working for you, I would encourage a Xiaomi Walkingpad. Literally just a walking treadmill. I find it doesn't really affect my work much and if you add a backpack with a weight in it (called rucking), becomes a great posture fixer and back work out.
  • LH
    Luis H.
    24 September 2021 @ 10:17
    Great article. Just a small comment in carbohydrate content of wine. Although wine has some carbohydrate content its very small when you compare it to other foods. When you consider the content per 100g, regular red or white wines have 3 to 5 g of carbohydrates per 100 grams. Oranges have 10g, apples have 12g, cooked beans have 18g. Even cabbage has 6 grams. So, in my opinion, is not worth changing from a wine you love, to another one that you don’t like so much, because the carbohydrate content is marginally smaller. Just to put things in perspective, a whole bottle of wine has less carbohydrates than a 100g slice of bread.