Summer Is Here

Published on: June 22nd, 2020

The far-reaching effect of COVID-19 on the global economy is being reflected in the data. We anticipate the economic impact to be violent and reach epic proportions. With many western countries in lockdown, Remi Tetot reports on the newly-released economic data that has been particularly impacted by the COVID-19 breakout during the week.


  • SM
    Shantanu M.
    22 June 2020 @ 23:02
    So the equity markets have been right all along?
    • PW
      PETER W.
      25 June 2020 @ 04:54
      Since when have markets been 100% efficient?
    • SM
      Shantanu M.
      23 June 2020 @ 18:50
      Yes, of course Fed balance sheet is the elephant in the room. But almost every chart in that document shows improvement in the economy since April, unlike the doom and gloom Macro guys keep selling. Fed was pumping money even in March during the crash and still equities mostly ignored every annoucement, IMO equity markets turned just a bit before the data started improving in all these charts.
    • SW
      Sarah W.
      23 June 2020 @ 09:33
      Not really. The Fed balance sheet has been right all along...
  • AT
    Anthony T.
    23 June 2020 @ 01:34
    Estimates of deaths from Covid have been hugely wrong, as they were for Sars and other pandemics. With hospital systems and the general public both in a much better state of preparedness than they were several months ago the question has to be, is Covid really as dangerous as feared? If not then people won't accept any more lockdowns and consequent economic pain. Can you provide any statistics that talk to this?
    • AT
      Anthony T.
      26 June 2020 @ 10:11
      Lol how come there are someone else with my name here
    • GH
      Gloria H.
      24 June 2020 @ 19:38
      ICU occupancy in the new hotspots — FL, TX, AZ — is at dangerous record levels.