In Focus Trade Portfolio – October 1, 2019

Published on: October 1st, 2019

This publication is your ‘go-to’ to view a summary of trade recommendations proposed by Julian and Raoul in their respective In Focus pieces. Each month, we will update the performance of these trade recommendations, adding and removing trades as per the advice is given in subsequent In Focus publications or any Flash Update.


  • LH
    Luis H.
    2 October 2019 @ 09:38
    Julian regarding page 3 and GDX trade. In August 21 (sell) GDX was at a max of 28.86, in June 24 (buy) was at 25.31 min. Profit is 6.1% and not 43.95% . Plus I can not find the recommendation of this specific trade in any documents. I believe that the recommendation to buy in June 24 was Raoul’s and not yours. Isn’t this an error?
    • GP
      Geoff P.
      2 October 2019 @ 10:33
      I believe the dates are wrong. If you look at Julian's May 14 in focus he offers the GDX rec (upper 20.xx / sh). He had a 30 sell target on 1/3 I believe in the Aug 2nd flash update.
  • FM
    Fraser M.
    7 October 2019 @ 09:59
    A technical question; what is the correct weighting for each leg of a yield curve steepener trade using Eurodollars (Dec 2019) vs. 10yr USTs? Anyone?
  • CG
    Colin G.
    8 October 2019 @ 02:59
    What was the strike on Raoul's December 2020 Eurodollar Calls?
    • MK
      MILTOS K.
      12 October 2019 @ 13:12
      Any idea on what the price was on 99 calls?
    • LV
      Lewis V.
      8 October 2019 @ 06:26