CJGentlemen, Thanks for sending this out. Would you kindly revise the Tesla reporting so it is accurate? I believe this is the third month or so the report has not accounted for the stock split. Obviously the team is busy, and I hope this is not too much to ask.
JLAlso the spx puts reached the stop loss levels, as discussed Incredibly disingenuous to keep them in the reporting as a win...
AKKudos to Jules this month. Totally smashed it out of the ball park with those 2 SPX puts. well done boss!!
ANHow hard would it be to set up a paper account to implement these trade ideas with their proper suggested sizing, and post the end of month statement instead of this report? Personally, I don't find the "returns" reported here paint the right picture. The 2 year and 10 year Futures are marked at -0.7% and -2.1% respectively, but those of us who put that trade on feel a much bigger pain than that. Real Vision has taught us that a trade idea itself is not enough, but sizing and its place in the overall portfolio are also very important factor. It feels to me that this is a very appropriate place for that concept to be applied and for us to learn from.
LAI have a question as someone new to Macro Pro and relatively slightly new to the space, regarding the Buy recommendations for equities with falling prices. Do we set a lower buy order price for the equity from it's current price? Or somehow short it? Or???? Thanks!
AKHey Guys is there any chance we could create a similar Crypto portfolio for Crpyto Pro members? Thanks, Alex K