JIWhere do you explain the reasons for the eurodollar position and why short all thease currencies?
JJImo it would be useful to mention what the initial targets are for these trades. This will also help us asses whether it makes sense to step in somewhat later after the trade has been announced.
dfThe trades where put so long ago, do they still stand? What would be the entry points at this moment in time?
MGRaoul, any thoughts on when youll be putting the 2 year bond trade back on? What level are you watching on the 2 year to pull the trigger. My guts telling me it stay may be a tad to early, but curious as to the level youre watching.
LORaoul, in your next report, we look forward to hear you articulate your renewed convictions in the ED, bitcoin and bond trades. Thanks
JKJulian/Raoul .... When are we going to short the sh__ out of this market ? Ie US equities ....
RHRaul - I'm curious about the DEC 98/98.5 ED spread - This is shown as still being open, so you must be anticipating a big move within the next 9 days since that is when this contract expires.
MCit starts to look like a terrific portfolio... no risk management whatsoever on gbp, hg, bitcoin losses. Name it! That sounds hard to believe for so called "professional" money manager... Starting to be disappointed here, not just with the perf, but with the overall value added of this expensive service actually. :(
MBJust wondering, for a new subscriber who wants to allocate more to the ED trade, it sounds like (Raoul's twitter comments) that now may be a good time to add, any recommendation coming soon for a specific trade? Contract/expiration/call spread?