MDIs there a preferred platinum ETF that one can use to express the platinum trade? Is so, corresponding levels?
DDlost 20 K in the NMG play called out
WMWhen Julian talks of buying Platinum and Silver for 4 & 3 to one target profits I assume he is talking about futures? If it was calls I assume he would have specifically said so. I do not trade futures and am already in the mining indexes so can get reasonable gains on the metals. However it would be useful to have clear instructions on investment approaches other than futures.
jiThanks J, every time time you say go short I have done the opposite been a good trade thanks again. I think up here is a good point to start layering into any shorts and even then they will be short - shorts like above the knee shorts ;)
EDIs there a suggested split across the positions recommended, or should they be split equally? Also, is there is a recommended percentage allocation of total portfolio that they should take?