Flash Update – May 7, 2021

Published on: May 7th, 2021

Julian has been shepherding his precious metals trades by moving up stops and adjusting levels. Now, with some changing dynamics and strong price action to boot, he writes that it’s time to up the ante and increase positions.


  • MW
    Marco W.
    8 May 2021 @ 00:54
    Thanks a lot , Julian!
  • WM
    William M.
    8 May 2021 @ 01:17
    I am now irresponsibly long precious metals and miners........
  • PN
    PJ N.
    8 May 2021 @ 08:33
    Can you release this on the desktop as well ?
    • RM
      Richard M.
      11 May 2021 @ 09:40
      Sorry to say RV but you really need to sort your act out on stuff like this. These updates relate to fast moving markets and so it is unacceptable to have multi day delays releasing this content.
    • ly
      lena y.
      10 May 2021 @ 22:12
      I finally found it by clicking the reports on the subtitle bar at the top of the page.
    • CL
      Chansseung L.
      10 May 2021 @ 02:47
      I don't see it on the desktop either.
    • IB
      Ivan B.
      8 May 2021 @ 10:40
      Hi PJ N., I access this report from desktop without any problems. Maybe try different browser. Cheers, Ivan
  • AT
    Aleem T.
    8 May 2021 @ 08:42
    Thanks Julian. If I wanted to tactically enter the silver trade in 2 tranches, where would you suggest buying the second tranche? >$30?
  • JK
    James K.
    8 May 2021 @ 18:12
    Thanks Julian ….ya, you had your stop ran, to just nick out on the low day …I was there…watching it …bought NUGT …but it ran just a tad below to close down, with a slight sideways at close …stopped out …Next AM, up and away …bought back in …brutal last 8 months in precious metals stocks .Sheesh … Great calls on XME & Platinum … Best.
    • HM
      Harry M. | Real Vision
      11 May 2021 @ 22:53
      Will take your word for it James. We never whether to run positions close to close on stops, or in real time trading. But glad it worked out for you and to my mind you did exactly the right thing. Any trade recommendation needs to work for you, and needs to be applied with a certain amount of discretion and intelligence. Would never take open ended risk but I have definitely done exactly the same as you on several occasions.
  • RM
    R M.
    9 May 2021 @ 14:59
    How did Julian get 5:1and 6:1 payouts?
    • HM
      Harry M. | Real Vision
      11 May 2021 @ 22:49
      Upside target vs stop.
  • WT
    William T.
    10 May 2021 @ 13:10
    GLD for gold and SLV for silver ? Thanks
  • PN
    PJ N.
    11 May 2021 @ 00:13
    Requesting again that you load this on the desktop version