Biff’s Almanac

Published on: June 14th, 2021

Forewarned is forearmed. So when unexpected events don’t then have the impact you would have expected, it can be disconcerting. Play Biff’s Almanac Game to test your touch. CPI printed 5% last week. Is this the local high print? If so, what comes next? A roadmap to some scary possibilities in 2023.


  • WM
    Wai M.
    16 June 2021 @ 02:15
    is there new recommendation? it looks the same from 4Jun21.
    • HM
      Harry M. | Real Vision
      16 June 2021 @ 13:05
      Not much its true. The Gold stop was missing and has now been included.
  • JD
    Junaid D.
    17 June 2021 @ 09:30
    What happened to the long EUR/USD trade that was on here previously?