A Virtual Event — March 30-31, 2023

Online Wherever You Are

The Experience

If you’re into brutal honesty, war stories about investing screw-ups, and making learning fun (again?), then going to Real Vision’s Festival of Learning 2023 is an easy “hell yes.”

You’ll join thousands of attendees online to learn from the world’s best investors and thinkers, chat in the on-fire Discord channels and connect with people united under the banner ‘The Learning Tribe.’

Get ready to expand your mind… take your investing strategy to the next level… and have a whole lot of fun.

Real Vision’s Festival of Learning is Burning Man for capitalists. SXSW for investors. Or as previous festival-goer Andy C. called it, The Coachella for Finance.”

Oh, and for the first time ever — tickets won’t cost $399. Instead, registration is completely free. Because we could all do with a bit of a celebration, right?


Day 1: March 30 — 10am to 2.00pm ET
Day 2: March 31 — 10am to 2.30pm ET


Online, wherever you are

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...And You

Unf*ck Your Mental Block

Over 2 days, the Unf*ck Your Mental Block track will open up your mind to new ideas and new ways of thinking, led by Damian Horner, Russell Clark, and more.

You’ll want to join these sessions if:

  • You could do with shaking up your perspective
  • You’re looking to explore some fresh investing ideas
  • You enjoy hearing viewpoints that take you out of your comfort zone

Unf*ck Your Life

Listen, we can’t sort your life out for you so this is a bit misleading, but Tom Bilyeu, Raoul Pal, and more will be on hand to share how they unf*ck their lives.

You’ll want to join these sessions if:

  • You see the value in learning from other people’s mistakes
  • You admire brutal honesty and actually enjoy war stories
  • You’re not averse to a life hack or two

Unf*ck Your Portfolio

Maybe your portfolio is completely pristine – in which case, do you want to be a speaker?! But most of us end up with something sub-optimal about our portfolios. David Rosenberg, Mish Schneider, and more are here to help.

You’ll want to join these sessions if:

  • You want to ask our speakers direct questions about portfolio issues
  • Risk management, portfolio construction, or time horizon keeps you up at night
  • You love learning by listening to other people’s experiences and stories

Unf*ck The World(?!)

Along with Chris Freiman, Jim O’Shaughnessy, and more, we’ll be digging into the big trends, big ideas, and big secular shifts that are going to change all of our lives whether we like it or not.

You’ll want to join these sessions if:

  • You’re equal parts thrilled and terrified by AI
  • You’re wondering how the hell exponential technology will change your life
  • You’re into an eclectic mix of topics, not just finance

The Festival of Learning Line-Up

Raoul Pal

Co-Founder & CEO Real Vision
Founder & CEO GMI

Damian Horner

Real Vision

Tom Bilyeu

Co-Founder & Host
Impact Theory

Dr. Pippa Malmgren

Senior Advisor
Monaco Foundry

Jim O'Shaughnessy

Founder and CEO
O'Shaughnessy Ventures

Denise Shull

Performance & Strategy Advisor
ReThink Group

David Rosenberg

Rosenberg Research & Associates

Jared Dillian

The Daily Dirtnap LLC

Christopher Freiman

Associate Professor of Philosophy
William & Mary

Brent Donnelly

Spectra Markets

Tony Greer

TG Macro

Mish Schneider

Director of Trading Education & Research

Russell Clark

Former Hedge Fund Manager
Now Content Creator

Dave Floyd

Aspen Trading Group

Roger Hirst

Managing Editor
Real Vision

Maggie Lake

Senior Editor and Host
Real Vision

Andreas Steno Larsen

Senior Markets Editor
Real Vision

Samuel Burke

Managing Editor & Senior Host
Real Vision

The Agenda


Your VIP Pass



Available Through Feb 27 Only.

The Academy Workshop

The Details
  • Get one of only 30 tickets available (and the digital POAP to prove it)
  • Take the course however you like: just sit back and absorb, or ask all the questions, both in-person and beforehand
  • Catch up with Raoul over dinner and drinks in the studio
  • Get first access to the finished course, as well as published credit for helping us create it
  • And more

For The First Time Ever… It's Free

Previously, a ticket for the Festival of Learning cost $399 — and that was not expensive for the sheer wall of value we hit you with.

This year, we’re keeping the value but getting rid of the price.

So you’ll get live access to all of this for free:

  • Full live access to 2 days of sessions — March 30 & 31
  • Networking fun in the Festival of Learning Discord channels
  • Live Q&A
  • Access to recorded sessions through April 1 (members have permanent access)

Enter Your Email. Get Your Ticket.

Submitting this form gets you your Festival of Learning ticket and more from Real Vision, including discounts, marketing offers and product updates.




Your VIP Pass



The Details
  • Get one of only 30 tickets available (and the digital POAP to prove it)
  • Take the course however you like: just sit back and absorb, or ask all the questions, both in-person and beforehand
  • Catch up with Raoul over dinner and drinks in the studio
  • Get first access to the finished course, as well as published credit for helping us create it
  • And more

Your VIP Pass



Available Through Feb 27 Only.

The Details
  • Get one of only 30 tickets available (and the digital POAP to prove it)
  • Take the course however you like: just sit back and absorb, or ask all the questions, both in-person and beforehand
  • Catch up with Raoul over dinner and drinks in the studio
  • Get first access to the finished course, as well as published credit for helping us create it
  • And more



Your VIP Pass — $1,000

The Details
  • 50% Discount through February 27th only.
  • Get one of only 30 tickets available (and the digital POAP to prove it)
  • Take the course however you like: just sit back and absorb, or ask all the questions, both in-person and beforehand
  • Catch up with Raoul over dinner and drinks in the studio
  • Get first access to the finished course, as well as published credit for helping us create it
  • And more



Can’t wait for tomorrow. Great day of amazing content! Thank you all…

Wow… I think I may have to take my own inventory after this. These questions are too good.

KABOOM-!! Mind Gone.

This has all been a Festivus for the Best of Us.

I can’t believe I can listen to this for free. Unreal.

A real insight into the mindset of a trade & investor.

This interview is really good… giving it to us straight and relaying the information in layman’s terms.


We need more time with this episode! Should do a follow up.

What People Have Said About Real Vision Virtual Events...

Amazing line-up! This is a game-changer — and for everybody to access, not just institutional investors — really a disruption.

— Stefano S.

I’m a trader from Dallas. I bought the RV Pro membership and have learned so much. It was a lot of money for me but well worth it. I loved the Festival of Learning.

— Kevin M.

Just finished up the Festival of Learning Happy Hour. The perfect way to close out the best Real Vision event to date. Brilliant.

— Xavier M.

I need to rest my brain after 3 days of intense sessions…

— Jason N.

Congratulations Real Vision!! This was an absolutely and incredibly mind-blowing last few days… really exciting and inspiring.

— Benjamin E.

Extraordinary! World class applied experience being articulated from some of the most elite people in finance. Nothing remotely like this or even a fraction of it available anywhere in the world.

— Shane T.

So glad I upgraded to continue my learning journey. Amazing content. Epic work team Real Vision.

— Matt P.

I’ve found more educational value in the Crypto Gathering and Festival of Learning than I did in entire college semesters.

— Jake

Great conversation. I love hearing from people with some chips in the game with serious experience! Thanks RV!

— Oliver M.

Thank you to everyone who made this an unbelievable event. More knowledge share than anywhere else on the planet…

— Kevin H.

I’ve been a RV subscriber for years now… this was the most insightful festival or learning experience!!! It’s like knowledge on steroids!

— Alberto A.

Thanks Raoul and Real Vision team. Really great and innovative source for learning. Very refreshing format and approach. Best money I’ve spent for a while.

— Tom E.

Real Vision is becoming something iconic in the world of financial education.

— Adrian D.

Real Vision, Raoul, I’m supposed to be working but I spent the entire day listening to this amazing set of speakers. Bravo to you sirs.

— Christian

“Take a bow Raoul and Team Real Vision… felt like a fanboy at a comic con. This has been by far the most edutaining conference I’ve attended, virtual or otherwise.”

— Bhavya V.

Frequently Asked Questions

The questions we always get asked most are…

What if I can’t attend live?

Real Vision members will have full access to the recordings. Non-members can join us live for free and can get access to the recordings if they become members

Can I just watch it on the Real Vision website without registering?

Nope – you needed to have a ticket.

The Festival of Learning is a lot of things, but here’s two of them:

  1. It gives The Learning Tribe (that’s you) access to investors and thinkers in a way that simply isn’t possible at in-person events.
  2. It makes learning fun again. Where else could you learn from the world’s greatest investors, uncensored and unchecked? Where else is failure celebrated because that’s what leads to success? Where else does Hugh Hendry still do his session even though he has a concussion? (Wait, that was the 2020 edition.)
  3. Okay, here’s a third – it’s a gathering of incredible people both on stage and in the festival Discord community. When the Learning Tribe gets together, magic happens. And a lot of laughs, too.

We’re working hard to finalize the full agenda and will be sharing it very soon.

Your ticket includes full live access to The Festival of Learning and access to our Festival Discord channels.

Real Vision members will have post-event access to the recordings, transcripts, and more.

Absolutely — the Festival is designed for investors of all levels. And thinkers. And the Learning Tribe.

It’s educational and celebratory all at once, and yes — those two things do fit together.

Looks like you didn’t open the first question first…

No problem — we’re happy to help at events@realvision.com.

About Real Vision

Real Vision is an on-demand finance and education platform you can watch basically anywhere (mobile, desktop, smart TV).

We’re on a mission to democratize access to financial intelligence. And we help you understand the complex world of finance, business, and the global economy with real in-depth analysis from real experts.

The 340,000+ Real Vision members get a competitive edge like no other on the planet…


About The Festival of Learning

In 2020, Real Vision dreamed up The Festival of Learning.

We didn’t want to do much — just revolutionize online learning, bring thousands of people together, and somehow make an online event feel like a real festival. No big deal.

More than 5,000 people joined us to learn from rock stars like Niall Ferguson, Michael Lewis, Hugh Hendry, and more. And it was phenomenal.

After a break in 2022, The Festival of Learning is back. And for the first time ever, it’s completely free to watch.


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