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Real Vision’s invite-only private network for serious investors, entrepreneurs, and collaborators.

A snapshot of The RVIP Club: Year 1

Your Network is Your Greatest Asset

At Real Vision, we believe that your network is your greatest asset.

A network is your community, but it’s also more than that — it is a supercharged community: a tightly knit group of like-minded people who deeply interconnect; sharing knowledge, ideas, opportunities, help, expertise, friendship, experiences, and more.

Simply put — if I have an idea and give it to you, we both have one idea. If we both share an idea, we have two ideas and double our chance of success.

When you multiply it by 100 people then things get really interesting.

At Real Vision, we live by the universal truth that Knowledge x Tools x Network = Success. And the key component that makes success go exponential is the quality of your network.

The Real Vision community is not just one community, but a collection of powerful networks waiting to be unlocked.

Last July, we took a huge leap forward with the founding of The RVIP Club — the invite-only private network for investors, entrepreneurs, and collaborators.

Since then, members have met up around the globe, attended gatherings together, had multiple private sessions with hard-to-access guests, bonded over virtual coffee, shared ideas and advice with each other, and so much more.

But it’s just the start.

The Wisdom of the Right Crowd

With The RVIP Club, we are curating the wisdom of the right crowd (and so this Club is not for everyone).

Of course, the right crowd is not homogenous. The Founding Members of The Club include portfolio managers, investment advisors, people from family offices, attorneys, people in the military, doctors, diplomats, firefighters, and many more.

And so far, the applicants for this intake include serial entrepreneurs, musicians, CEOs, corporate lawyers, VC advisors, physicians, and others.

The opportunity here is to find people you click with, to contribute your unique perspective and benefit from others, and to help make the network deeper and stronger.

If you become a member, you will be joining.. a network of collective wisdom and an enduring spirit of sharing.

Member Benefits

Online Network

An online community of investors, entrepreneurs, and learners discussing ideas, exchanging opportunities, hosting presentations, and organizing meetups.

Global Gatherings

In-person in New York, London, Napa, Hong Kong, and more — organized by both Real Vision and Club members. One big annual summit (this year was in Mallorca, Spain).

Virtual Sessions

Regular (at least once a month) online sessions with special expert guests. Previous guests include Raoul Pal, Beth Kindig, Dan Tapiero, Michael Howell, Harris Kupperman, and Mish Schneider.

Real Vision Pro All Access

RV Pro All Access membership included, plus your existing membership applied pro rata to the joining fee.

Exclusive Access

Enjoy exclusive access and preferential rates to a range of partner products and experiences, first access to all RV meetups, and an RVIP-only RV Marketplace with bigger discounts.

Investment Opportunities

Investment opportunities sourced from the RVIP community and the broader RV network.

Cultivating The Club

We want to cultivate this world-spanning group of movers and shakers into a tight-knit community that together is even greater than the sum of its parts.

The RVIP Club is an exclusive, private club for those Real Vision members who want to feel truly globally connected to other experts around the world (everyone is an expert in something that is valuable to someone else). And who want to feel like they have unparalleled access at their fingertips to information, ideas, and opportunities from like-minded, curious, ambitious people in different careers — from financiers to technologists, from medical professionals to entrepreneurs.

Imagine what it could do for your future success if you had access to a network like that.

Imagine knowing that you can call on the network for everything from intel on a new crypto company to advice on a business plan.

Imagine getting access to investing opportunities not seen outside the network.

Imagine having like-minded people you can bounce ideas off and hold each other accountable in your investment thesis.

Imagine how that might supercharge your future.

That is what we are creating… what you will contribute to and benefit from, together.

And Real Vision will act as your concierge, your organizer, your introducer, and your curator to make the network come alive.

But the nature of a curated network like The Club is that it will not be for everyone, which is why we have a detailed application process.

The Club may be for you if:
  • You are an investor, entrepreneur, executive, or a subject matter expert in a specific field
  • You are willing to be an active participant and contributor in a vibrant community, including having your profile shared with other members of the club
  • You are looking to meet members in person at different places around the world — usually in one of our global hubs (NYC, London, and others depending on member locations)
  • You are not afraid to learn new things and have your opinion challenged
The Club may not be for you if:
  • You just want to consume content passively
  • You prefer to stay anonymous even within a private community
  • You are not willing to complete the intake questionnaire
  • You are not open to traveling to our global hubs for regular meetups
  • You are not eager to participate in and add value to the network

The RVIP Club is only for the curious and the ambitious, the people who want to feel deeply connected, to find their place, and is for those that love to share opportunities, debate and discuss ideas, maybe even pool resources and most importantly people who want to be active and engaged club members.

Remember — a network is only as good as its members. The more everyone interacts and shares, the more priceless the network becomes.”

Raoul Pal, co-founder and CEO, Real Vision

Your Application

Building a powerful, quality network together is at the heart of The RVIP Club, The application process is a key part of this.

A network flourishes when its members selflessly share ideas, foster connections, and support one another. It fails when the chemistry and magic isn’t curated carefully.

Successful applicants will be invited to join for a one-off joining fee, and yearly dues beginning on the first anniversary of your membership.

If your application is successful, you will be invited to join The RVIP Club. RVIP members receive:

  • Online network: You will be joining a meticulously assembled online community of investors, entrepreneurs, and learners discussing ideas, exchanging opportunities, and organizing meetups
  • Virtual sessions: Online sessions (at least monthly) with special expert guests on markets, business, health and longevity, psychology, and more
  • Member alpha: RVIP member presentations on everything from Venezuelan bonds to social media listening to conference takeaways
  • Club meetings: Regular, free-to-attend in-person meetups, online socials, Town Halls, and more
  • Investment opportunities: Over time, as the network creates collective wisdom and shared understanding, investment opportunities will be sourced from the The Club and broader RV network
  • Network access: You will enjoy exclusive access and preferential rates for a range of partner products and experiences
  • Club Gathering: An annual summit for Club members, at cost-price

If all of this sounds good to you, and you’d like to join this collaborative network, then start your application process using the link below.

However, please do not apply if you are not willing to commit (a minimum of) 3-4 hours per month to participate in network conversations, online workshops, and so on.

As Raoul said, the true beauty of a network lies in its potential for reciprocity. It thrives on the principle of karma — the more you invest into it, the greater the return.

We look forward to welcoming you to The RVIP Club.

Frequently Asked Questions

Membership is currently on an invite-only basis. 

Beyond that, we want members who are willing to commit at least 3-4 hours per month to participate in network conversations, online workshops, and so on.

Our number one priority is building a network with integrity and quality. 

In our interconnected world, it’s not just about who you know, but also who you grow with that determines your trajectory, so we want to ensure we grow the network carefully, reviewing each application to make sure the network continues to flourish.

Global hub cities include New York and London, but we will also designate hub cities based on the location of members.

For example, a lot of respondents to our network survey were in Australia, and so if enough members from Australia join, we will designate a hub there.

Yes, we accept payments in crypto.

We have partnered with Coinbase Commerce to accept crypto payments. You’ll have the option to pay with crypto at the checkout.

Through Coinbase Commerce we accept crypto payments using BTC, ETH, USDC, and more.

If you have any questions about crypto payments, just drop us a line at rvipclub@realvision.com.

  1. We believe that Knowledge x Tools x Network = Success
  2. We believe that harnessing the wisdom of the right crowd is a superpower, and that your network is your greatest asset
  3. We believe in being brave in all areas
  4. We believe that the true beauty of a network lies in its potential for reciprocity
  5. We believe that it’s not just about who you know, but also who you grow with that determines your trajectory

Please reach out directly to rvipclub@realvision.com.

A letter from Raoul

Throughout my journey in the world of finance, one invaluable lesson that stands out is the immense power that lies within a curated, premium network. I’ve learned that your network can be the strongest lever you pull on the path to success.

Starting with a pretty limited set of cards, navigating my way through university, and finally finding a foothold in the banking sector, I found that one’s network could be the catalyst that propels them towards success.

My personal story is one of the powers of a network. You see, I wasn’t always set up for success. I only got one offer from a University.  The only one that would accept me (and my lousy grades) was the University of Plymouth, which was not really known as a center for excellence (except for the beaches in Devon, which were fabulous!). I scraped my way through and finally focused on my final year and got a decent grade.

I wanted to get into banking, but it was a recession in 1990 and the banks were all firing people. Eventually by grit and determination, I clawed my way into my dream job at an investment bank.

My real leap forward came in the mid ’90s when I joined Goldman Sachs, the world’s most prestigious investment bank.

I had applied to Goldman when I left University, but my CV and academic qualifications were not good enough for Goldman and I was quickly rejected without even an interview (I still have that rejection letter in a box, along with the 130 other jobs I got rejected from back then!).

But what eventually got me into Goldman, mid-career, was that I had started to build very good client base of the world’s most famous hedge fund managers. This group was becoming my community…

Goldman was more than an opportunity for career advancement, it offered a gateway to a powerful, global network of influential individuals. This network, teeming with the world’s most renowned hedge fund managers, was the backbone of my career growth. It followed me when I founded Global Macro Investor and Real Vision, forming the cornerstone of my professional community. Ex-Goldman Alum are also probably the single most powerful network on earth and although it is not an organized network per se, it operates globally, across most industries and can help open doors or give you credibility as you search for your own success.

I leveraged this network when I started Global Macro Investor (my hedge fund manager community were the early subscribers of GMI and remain so to this day, 18 years later). GMI itself has grown into an amazing network.

Many members have gone on to becomes friends or business partners, and many coinvest in opportunities.

The magic of this network revealed itself with the evolution of Real Vision. Those GMI members also backed my crazy idea of Real Vision and provided the Friends & Family capital to help us in our early days. These people were more than just connections; they formed the bedrock of my personal community.

My original network from GMI didn’t merely participate on the Real Vision platform. They shared their wisdom with an expansive audience, a move that magnified their opportunities and successes. It led to investment in their ideas, a broader client base, increased visibility, and new business ventures.

In return, Real Vision members had access to a wealth of knowledge and wisdom. They took these insights and transformed them into personal and professional triumphs.

Robust, high-quality networks have a tendency to grow. The Real Vision community has turned into a deep global network, not only in finance and crypto but spanning all industries. It has now become my main network and spans thought leaders, entrepreneurs, influencers, and experts across all fields. The sheer number of people I can now instantly connect to due to Real Vision is incredible. These are people who would never have taken my call or my email 10 years ago. That is the power of Real Vision.

But the true beauty of a network lies in its potential for reciprocity. It thrives on the principle of karma — the more you invest into it, the greater the return.

A network flourishes when its members selflessly share ideas, foster connections, and support one another. The key to a successful network is a collective spirit of giving. It’s a shared ecosystem where everyone benefits. The more you put in, the more exponential the rewards.

The potency of a network lies in its quality, not quantity. It’s about the collective wisdom and shared understanding that stems from it. A carefully curated and nurtured network is a powerful entity that can unlock doors you never knew existed. It’s more than just a group of contacts — it’s a deep community.

In our interconnected world, it’s not just about who you know, but also who you grow with that determines your trajectory. Harness the wisdom of the right crowd — cultivate a premium network, invest in it, nurture it, and watch the magic unfold.

Your network is your greatest asset. Use it wisely. Be generous with your knowledge and connections, and the benefits will undoubtedly circle back. After all, a network isn’t just about taking — it’s about giving, sharing, and growing together.

That’s why I’m delighted to invite you to join the The RVIP Club — an exclusive, private club for those Real Vision members who want to feel truly globally connected to experts like them around the world (everyone is an expert in something that is valuable to someone else), who want to feel like they have unparalleled access at their fingertips to information, ideas and opportunities from like-minded, curious, ambitious people in different careers — from financiers to technologists, from medical professionals to entrepreneurs.

Imagine what it could do for your future success if you had access to a network like that.

That is what we are creating… what you will be creating, together.

And Real Vision will act as your concierge, your organizer, your introducer, and your curator to make the network come alive. We give you, access to Real Vision mentors and experts, global dinners, video sessions, curated speakers, and an annual event.

But not only that, because you are so special as a network, we source offers exclusively for The RVIP Club from discounted premium macro research, unique partner events to impossible to join NFT communities and potentially other networks too. We want not only to help you in your investing life but your lifestyle and wellness too. These are all things that matter.

We are opening the doors to members who would love to join us and create some magic together but you’ll need to move fast as there are only 50 spaces available.

Finally, when I mentioned the wisdom of the right crowd, this club is not for everyone…

It is only for the curious and the ambitious, the people who want to feel deeply connected, to find their place, and it’s for those that love to share opportunities, debate and discuss ideas, maybe even pool resources, and most importantly, people who want to be active and engaged club members. Remember — a network is only as good as its members. The more everyone interacts and shares, the more priceless the network becomes.

I very much look forward to meeting you all and building our network for success.

Raoul Pal

Co-founder and CEO, Real Vision


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