RV Blog Investing


Today we’re examining 2 of the most common investing strategies — growth and value — to help you better understand which approach works best with your unique goals and trading style.

In this issue, we’ll cover 3 things:
– Value investing — why it’s popular and how it works.
– Growth investing — how it differs and why it’s all the rage.
– How different market conditions and environments favor each style.

Real Vision co-founder and CEO Raoul Pal walks us through how the automated revolution that will change the way we live… and invest.

In this issue, we’ll cover 3 things:

– Raoul’s secular thesis for where financial markets and the economy are headed.
– The Exponential Age — what it is and what technologies it entails.
– How to invest in this brave new world.

Last September, as part of our hit series, Make or Break: Inflation, Jim Bianco of Bianco Research joined Real Vision co-founder and CEO Raoul Pal for a wide-ranging conversation about all things inflation and recession.

From the path of interest rates, inflation, and systemic risks like the banking crisis, the guys nailed some of their predictions. Other topics, though — like the future of labor, global energy supply, and the AI takeover — have yet to play out.

Perhaps in another 9 months, we’ll have all the answers…

After 2 decades in the industry, Russell Clark realized that the economy and market were functioning drastically differently post-COVID. That realization changed his entire framework.

In this issue, we’ll cover 3 things:
– Recognizing when your investment thesis is wrong — before it’s too late.
– Learning to adapt your framework in a new market environment.
– Implementing your new framework at inflection points.

We’re celebrating our tenth issue with a roundup of everything we’ve learned on the Game of Investing journey so far.

Whether you’ve been with us from the start or only just subscribed, it pays to refresh your memory. So, check out the summaries of our first 9 issues below.

The founder and CIO of Hayman Capital Management, Kyle rose to prominence as one of the few investors who bet big against the housing bubble during the Great Financial Crisis.

Since then, he’s continued to capitalize as an event-driven trader.

In this discussion, Kyle shares his approach to position-sizing, tips for developing an investment thesis, and how investors can know when to go on the offensive in these constantly evolving markets.

Whether you’re a nimble short-term trader or a long-term investor focused on the 30,000 foot view, there’s a place for you in markets.

Hell, you can even do both — as long as you align your timeframe with your objectives.

That’s where the market drivers come in.

The Game of Investing, Vol.9, covers: The 3 types of market drivers — secular, cyclical, and tactical; Identifying relationships and patterns between trends; How to incorporate market drivers into your investing framework.

Mike Coolbaugh, Real Vision contributor and chief strategist at Element Macro Research, is tackling the yield curve.

What it is, what its inversion means for markets, and how it can help us understand the economy.

The Game of Investing, Vol.8, covers: What is the yield curve and how does it function? What an inverted yield curve means for investors. Using the curve as an indicator.

Howard Marks, the legendary co-founder of Oaktree Capital Management, sat down with Real Vision in 2019.

In a world dominated by moral hazard and political polarization, Howard Marks shares his thoughts on how to navigate markets successfully.

Four years later, it seems like he might have been peering into his crystal ball. “Being too far ahead of your time is indistinguishable from being wrong…”

Does bucking the trend make you a better investor? Jason Shapiro, Principal of JS Trading, digs deeper into the art of contrarian trading.

The Game of Investing, Vol.7, covers: the risks of consensus investing, the power of contrarian positioning, and the value of understanding what is beyond our control.


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